
The BlackIce II can act as a logic analyser without any extra hardware, although a Test point Pmod is useful if you want to analyse the signals to and from a device connected to a Pmod.

One logic analyser application that is available on BlackIce II is Ice40LogicSniffer, the OpenBench Logic Sniffer (OLS) ported to BlackIce by David Banks (@hoglet67). This can be built for BlackIce or BlackIce II by running the build.sh script in the blackice directory.

OLS uses a variant of the Sump protocol. There are various OLS clients that can be used including https://lxtreme.nl/projects/ols/.

Here it is analysing the data from a key press via a test point Pmod connected to a Digilent PS/2 Pmod.

There are other clients such as PulseView, which is part of the Sigrok project. It has extra protocol decoders. Here it is decoding the SPI protocol:

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